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Corrado Beguinot, committed for more than fifty years in the scientific research and experimentation related to urban planning, has recently started a number of activities for promoting and coordinating the international scientific research on the topic of "Città Cablata" and European interethnic cities.

In particular, he established the group "Technological Innovation and Territorial Transformations for the 21st century city" carrying out the research about the "Città Cablata" through several "look-towers" located in some Italian cities as well as in many world cities, i.e. Tokyo, Pune, Delft, Newcastle upon Tyne, Barcelona, Harbin, Monaco, Geneva, Paris, Jerusalem, Bogotà, Caracas, Quito, Seoul, Almaty, Moscow, Stettin,etc.

According to this, he was the promoter of the draft for a new Town Planning Charter, the Charter of Megaride '94 worked out by over 600 town planners from 32 different countries.

Full Professor of "Town Planning Technique" at Naples University "Federico II", from 1965 to 1999. Professor of "Architecture and Architectural Composition" with a temporary appointment, from 1959 to 1970.

Head of the Institute of "Architecture and Town Planning" in the Faculty of Engineering at Naples University, from 1959 to 1976 and Head of the "Town and Land Planning and Science" Department of Naples University "Federico II", from 1992 to 1999.

Member of several high level committees at national and European level.

President of the Foundation A. Della Rocca - Rome, since 1992.

Author and co-author of forty volumes and 200 essays about topics related to town planning, architecture, hospital organization and technological innovation published on Italian and foreign reviews from 1950 to 2006.

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News & Events

InGentibus has been invited to attend the World Summit is organised by GLT (Global Leadership Team) on appointment by H.H. Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi.
The World Summit is held under the support of the United Nations, the African Union, the Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development (OECD) and the United States Council for International Business (USCIB).

On Friday, 26th September 2008 InGentibus organizes the first scientific Colloquium on Nanotechnology: "Opportunities and Risks in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology " which will take place in Palazzo BALDASSINI, Via delle Coppelle, 35 - 00186 Roma, Italy

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InGentibus is subcontractor in the European Integrated Project NanoHand which was kicked off at the University of Oldenburg from the 10th to 12th July 2006.

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InGentibus organized the international symposium on Nanotechnology " New Perspectives for Energy and Medicine" which took place in Essen, Germany on January, 27. 2006.


Our Heritage for Tomorrow - The ITER project at the European Parliament (31st January up to 4th February 2005 )

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