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»Mission Statement
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»Annual Report


To encourage the development of science and technology which will:

  • Create possibilities for dignified employment, lasting and capable of sustaining family life.
  • Support the adoption of simple working methods, through appropriate and sustainable technologies, at all levels of involvement, from labourers to managers.
  • Lead to the diffusion of social wealth, giving priority to socially beneficial activities while leaving consumer-centred activities lower down in the scale of priorities.
  • Encourage change in social attitudes so that working people will be put at the heart of the system, developing their skills, supporting a high quality of work in the long term, and encouraging fully professional understanding of responsibility on the part of all workers.

InGentibus intends to pursue these objectives by mobilizing resources to fund and manage geographically dispersed projects implemented in close cooperation with the people and territories that are intended to benefit hereby. The activities of InGentibus will not be implemented via governmental and centralized authority structures, but rather through direct approaches to relevant groups in the different societies.

But cooperation with other major funding organisations and existing worldwide networks of human resources will be very important and will be sought with such bodies, whether local, or regional or world-wide.


Become member. - The InGentibus online enrolment form.

News & Events

InGentibus has been invited to attend the World Summit is organised by GLT (Global Leadership Team) on appointment by H.H. Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi.
The World Summit is held under the support of the United Nations, the African Union, the Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development (OECD) and the United States Council for International Business (USCIB).

On Friday, 26th September 2008 InGentibus organizes the first scientific Colloquium on Nanotechnology: "Opportunities and Risks in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology " which will take place in Palazzo BALDASSINI, Via delle Coppelle, 35 - 00186 Roma, Italy

- PDF (EN)

InGentibus is subcontractor in the European Integrated Project NanoHand which was kicked off at the University of Oldenburg from the 10th to 12th July 2006.

- PDF (EN)

InGentibus organized the international symposium on Nanotechnology " New Perspectives for Energy and Medicine" which took place in Essen, Germany on January, 27. 2006.


Our Heritage for Tomorrow - The ITER project at the European Parliament (31st January up to 4th February 2005 )

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