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»Framework and Project


Some examples of relevant ongoing and finished projects carried out by InGentibus associated institutes and companies are:

Isotopic TEchnologies applied to the analysis of ancient Roman mortars

A cultural heritage project on roman mortars
This project has developed an innovative database of mortar characteristics based on the collection of all analytical data concerning isotopic technologies in complement to the traditional ones, with the aim of enabling to reproduce the mortars more accurately for more authentic preservation and restoration of ancient buildings and artefacts. It has also produced prototypes of mortars at laboratory scale, based on the knowledge and data gained in the course of the project.

Social Learning on EnVIRonmental Issues with the InTeractive Information and CommUnicAtion TechnoLogIeS.

IT educational tools applied to climate change, water resources, agriculture and marine fisheries
The project brought together a consortium of specialists in information technology, sustainable development, environmental modelling, public policy and governance, learning psychology and open learning, to develop computer-based learning tools on ecosystems and natural resources. The four domains are climate change, freshwater resources, agricultural pollution and marine capture fisheries. Taking these four domains as exemplary, ViRTU@LiS creates learning tools for improving citizens' awareness of environmental management and risks.

Guidelines for the Organisation, Use and Validation of information systems for Evaluating aquifer Resources and Needs

Deliberation support IT tools for governance issues.
This project has developed and implemented user-based and scientifically validated Decision Support System (DSS) for the improved management of underground water resources at the catchment and sub-catchment levels. Decision support is understood as not only the acquisition, scientific validation and organisation of information, but also procedures for effective exploita-tion of this information by users. The DSS combines spatial representation, scenario simulation, multiple criteria evaluation and interactive user-friendly interfaces. It furnishes a validated scien-tific support for debate and deliberation by decision makers and stakeholders permitting intelli-gent compromises, identification of novel management options and, to the extent possible, coop-erative conflict resolution.


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News & Events

InGentibus has been invited to attend the World Summit is organised by GLT (Global Leadership Team) on appointment by H.H. Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi.
The World Summit is held under the support of the United Nations, the African Union, the Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development (OECD) and the United States Council for International Business (USCIB).

On Friday, 26th September 2008 InGentibus organizes the first scientific Colloquium on Nanotechnology: "Opportunities and Risks in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology " which will take place in Palazzo BALDASSINI, Via delle Coppelle, 35 - 00186 Roma, Italy

- PDF (EN)

InGentibus is subcontractor in the European Integrated Project NanoHand which was kicked off at the University of Oldenburg from the 10th to 12th July 2006.

- PDF (EN)

InGentibus organized the international symposium on Nanotechnology " New Perspectives for Energy and Medicine" which took place in Essen, Germany on January, 27. 2006.


Our Heritage for Tomorrow - The ITER project at the European Parliament (31st January up to 4th February 2005 )

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