PhD in History of the Churches, Storia della Chiesa, (Magna
cum Laude) at the Gregoriana University in Roma.
A Franciscan monk with expertise in history of the Churches and global
strategies focused on the methods of application of advanced technologies
and their consequences in remote regions and the minor civilizations.
1979 - 1999 teaches History if the Church at the Studio Teologico of the
Capuchins Monks in Milano and Cremona.
From 1975 involved in the scientific studies the Holy Shroud of Turin
in the Centro Romano di Sindonologia.
Thanks to the long years experience with high technologies used to study
such famous historical piece, he then founded the MultiUniversus Foundation
(2002) which then became InGentibus Foundation e.V. (Germany) in 2004.
From 1996 up to ow, together with Prof Gabriella Girelli (Emathologist)
of the Universitá della Sapienza, he coordinates two teaching courses
on the Holy Shroud at the 'Istituto di Scienze Religiose 'Ecclesia Mater'
of the Pontificia Università Lateranense.
He teaches at the Pontifical University Lateranense in Roma.
Several international and national publications. |